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Texas Supreme Court Abortion

Texas Supreme Court Rejects Challenge to Abortion Ban

Medical Exemption Narrows Significantly

The Texas Supreme Court has ruled that the medical exemption in the state's abortion ban applies only when a person is at risk of death or serious physical harm. The court rejected a challenge to the law brought by a woman who sought to obtain an abortion after leaving the state.

The lawsuit was one of the most significant challenges to the Texas abortion ban, which is one of the most restrictive in the country. The law prohibits abortions after six weeks of pregnancy and does not make exceptions for rape or incest. Medical professionals who perform abortions under the law could face criminal charges.

The Texas Supreme Court's ruling is a major setback for abortion rights advocates. It means that the vast majority of people seeking abortions in Texas will not be able to obtain one, even in cases of rape, incest, or medical emergencies.

The ruling comes amid a wave of new abortion restrictions in the United States. Several states have passed laws similar to Texas's six-week ban, and others are considering doing so. The Supreme Court is expected to hear a major case on abortion this year, and its decision could have a major impact on the availability of abortion nationwide.
